Looking for...

If you have contact information for any of these folks, please leave us a note in the box below. We will pass it along to the interested party. Just email addresses, if possible. We don't want to violate anyone's privacy. Thanks!

The NA Alumni Network has a database of all graduates. A lot of the information is outdated.  But, If they have an email address for someone, they give you the option of sending them a message. The Alumni Network will email your message, so be sure to put your contact info in your message if you want a reply.

Go to www.connect2na.com

The first time you use it, you will have to register. 

From the menu, choose 


   By Search

Enter the classmate's name in the search box and press the magnifying glass. Start with just the last name. It will give you a list of every name that contains the letters you typed, sorted by picture then first name. You can filter by class. 

Select the record you want. If they have an email address, you will see an option to "Send Message"

Good luck with your quest to keep in touch!

Jeff Dore is looking for Mike Clark. They were roommates at the University of Tampa for a year, but then lost touch.